Helping Pets Across Chicagoland

Meet Some of the Pets We’ve Helped

Meet Some of the Pets We’ve Helped
Chicagoland pet charity

Choco’s Story

Choco, a lively 1-year old Chihuahua, broke his leg in a car accident. His family took him to a local emergency center where he got his initial care, but his condition required urgent surgical intervention. His family could not afford the surgery after paying the unexpected emergency bills. They called CVMF for help.

A CVMF member veterinarian accepted Choco as a patient. And, with the assistance of the Foundation, Choco was saved. Since his leg sustained non-repairable injuries, it had to be amputated.

Even though he lost his leg, Choco is with his family, happy, healthy, and very much ALIVE!

"Thank you, CVMF, for helping our little Choco.
He is a happy boy again!"
- Choco's Mama

choco being helped
choco with a child

Chicago Veterinary Medical Foundation is proud to have helped so many pets get the medical care they need and stay with their forever family. Learn some of their stories and consider donating today to play a part in contributing to more heartwarming stories like these!

moreo at the vet

Moreo's Story

Moreo arrived at the pet hospital feeling sick as a dog! His owner noticed he was drinking a great deal of water and was becoming increasingly lethargic. His regular veterinarian ran some tests and diagnosed Moreo not only with diabetes but also with a severe complication called diabetic ketoacidosis, which is a life-threatening condition. Since his illness was so serious, Moreo required hospitalization and intensive care.

His owner, a single mother struggling to make ends meet, could not afford his care. With the help of CVMF, Moreo received the care he needed to save his life.

Today, Moreo is thriving at home with his family, where he will continue to receive the loving and dedicated care he needs.

"Thank you, CVMF, for helping me to pay Moreo's medical bills. It was such a relief to be able to take him home to recover."
- Cynthia

Our Core Missions

Charitable Veterinary Medical Care 

charitable veterinary medical care
disaster planning for animals

Disaster Planning for Animals

Education to the Public

education to the public
veterinary student scholarships

Veterinary Student Scholarships